Hi Ben, what do you do for a living?
I'm a Clinical Systems IT Trainer
How and why did you first get involved with RRC?
It's fair to say that I used to be a fair weather runner. I needed something to push me to run for 12 months of the year. I originally joined another local club, but weeks later heard about RRC and knew I had to switch. I knew Rowan from Bolton parkrun so making the switch was easy.
What is your favourite running memory or moment?
Crossing the finish line of the 2017 Manchester marathon and turning round to see Steven cross seconds later. We had just had a rollercoaster year due to his illness and we just turned in to blubbering wrecks. It was just the most amazing feeling (in a weird kind of way!!) to have finally come through the other side.
Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us...
I wanted to be an airline pilot when I was younger. Had flying lessons and was lucky enough to fly around Europe for a week in the cockpit for my school work experience.
Who would be your 4 fantasy dinner guests (dead or alive)?
My Grandad who passed away 30 years ago. He was the life and soul and would have led me astray like a good Grandad does. Princess Margaret (I do like a naughty Royal). Blanche Deveroux and Sophia Petrillo
What is your pre-race routine?
Wake up, eat, run and then see what happens!
OK, onto the quick-fire round...
Favourite film?
Sixth Sense
Favourite band?
I don't have a favourite band. I love all types of music so playing random selections on Spotify introduces me to new artists. Currently enjoying Gorgon City and Caravan Palace.
Favourite parkrun?
Hyndburn parkrun
Who is your running hero?
Anyone who laces up a pair of trainers for the first time.
What would you choose as your Mastermind specialist subject?
The Golden Girls
You are in lockdown and can only have one of these for the next 21 days, which are you choosing?

Chocolate Hobnobs