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We’re delighted to share that our weekly running club sessions will be returning from Tuesday 30th March.

We wanted to take a moment to reassure you of the steps that have been taken alongside the decision to return, to make sure that RRC club night is COVID-secure.
Our volunteer committee and our talented run leaders have done lots of planning to make our return as seamless as possible.

Whilst England Athletics and COVID-19 regulations permit larger group sizes, our sessions will take place in smaller groups for now. We have heard feedback from many of you that you are looking forward to the return but have not been in big groups for many months, and that this is a good way to ease back into the RRC habit.

When the time is right, we hope to get back to the Brewery and resume our Tuesday nights as they were before March 2020. For now, we have chosen to hold our sessions from a number of meeting points with staggered start times to prevent large gatherings.

When running, we will ask our members to socially distance. We’ll carry hand sanitiser and emergency provisions to keep everyone safe, and consider our routes to try and prevent bottlenecks, especially as the spring evenings and better weather mean the streets of Ramsbottom will be getting busier again.

To begin with, our sessions will be members only and will operate on a pre-book basis. If you want to join us, you are welcome to become a member here:

We can’t wait to see you so if you see us on a street near you, don’t forget to give us a wave!