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Introducing: The 2020 Challenge

We are excited to announce our finale challenge event of the year - The 2020 Challenge!

Are you keen to see out 2020 on a high and make sure you have at least one positive memory of the year?!

So what is the 2020 Challenge?

Starting on 1st October, teams of six will collectively attempt to run 2020 kilometres (1255 miles) by the end of the year.

Whether you live in Ramsbottom or Hong Kong Canada or Carlisle, the challenge is open to everyone. You'll clock up your distance individually (or in small groups) but contribute to your team's total mileage - and every kilometre counts!

This time we will be asking for a minimal entry fee to cover the cost of a bespoke memento to see out 2020 in classic RRC style.

We will be in touch over the coming days with more details, including how you can get join in the fun!