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Ramsbottom Running Club AGM

Minutes: 2020 

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Attendees ; John Hall, Richard Ardill, Steve Wilson, Nigel Hartley, James Thomas, Amy Ardill, Richard Thatcher, Lee Troughton, John Southworth, Paul Jenkins, Sarah Clarke, Stuart Waldron Neil Wharmby , Neil McRobert, Andrea Sidebottom, Karen Leach, Andrew Fawkes, Rowan Ardill, Ann Butler, Beverley Walker, Lee Entwistle, Brighda Cameron, Gareth Bradshaw, Helen McVey, Alice Butler, George Butler, Matt Carmichael, Marissa McPhillips.

1. Chairs review of the year (RA)

Rowan took us through a highlights package of the previous years competitions, events and club activity.

2. Introduction to RRC committee – (AF)

Andy introduced the current RRC committee and explained the process as set out in our constitution for electing new members to the committee.
Andy also confirmed that club membership fees remained unchanged for the coming year.

2. Election of committee members (AF)

Andy explained that the club had one current vacancy on the committee ; that of treasurer due to Andy Patterson having stepped down from the role after serving since the formation of the club in 2016. Andy explained that Gemma Duffy had been supporting he club on an ad-hoc basis during 2019 and as a qualified accountant will be an ideal appointment to the role. As Gemma was the sole candidate for the role, the decision was put to a simple show of hands in the room, to which a significant majority supported the appointment of Gemma as treasurer.

3. Presentation of RRC accounts 2018/19

A summary of club accounts for 2018/19 was presented. These confirmed that whilst the clubs overall income and expenditure showed a deficit of £1,985 over the year, the club had a healthy amount of cash in the bank £3,236), and a significant amount of stock in the form of unsold club kit (£5,988) . The club also does not have any overheads (e.g facility costs). It would be a priority during the coming year to reduce the amount of unsold club kit.

Members questions:

Eve Hart emailed a question in relation to having a dedicated Communications Officer role on the club committee. It was explained that while there were no immediate plans to make this a committee role, quality and consistent communication is essential and the club would continue to outsource this function from amongst its membership and review this approach over the course of the year.

David Ardill asked: "What is the plan moving forwards for reinvesting club funds?" The committee explained that the ambition has always been to reinvest all but essential reserves back in to the club to allow for the safe expansion and development of the weekly offering and to ensure the club is able to host high quality social events for its members and that this would continue to be the approach moving forwards.

Marissa McPhillips asked about the collection of weekly subs and specifically "are there any plans for allowing a direct debit rather than bringing £1/£2 cash to weekly sessions?" The Chairman explained that this had been discussed at the latest committee meeting with a proposal to offer an (optional) increased annual membership fee which would also encompass weekly subs. This proposal was not taken forwards by the committee and it was agreed that the existing system for collecting subs would continue (although a possible contactless payment method would also be explored).

George Butler asked "will the club be affiliating to Northern Athletics?" This was not something that the committee were aware of so it had not been considered, more information was requested so that a decision could be made in future.