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Join us for a walk at RRC!  

from Tuesday 8 October 2019

We have always aimed for Ramsbottom Running Club to be as inclusive and friendly as possible and to create an environment where, first and foremost, where people can surround themselves with positivity and make new friends.

These are the fundamental principles on which we exist and guides all of the decisions we make when developing, growing and enhancing our club.

Our Tuesday evening club night is about much more than a running session; it's the time when club mates can meet up, explore the local area, chat socially away from the pressure of racing or structured training sessions.

We often welcome along members who injured; members who can't or don’t like to run, but still want to feel the RRC love.

We are also conscious that there are many people who would welcome the opportunity to join in with club nights; but are unsure about how to make that first brave step to come along. Perhaps those who are facing mental health challenges or social anxiety who would inevitably benefit greatly from a little RRC love!

With this in mind (and with it being World Mental Health Day this week!) we are delighted to announce that we will be introducing a walking option alongside our usual Tuesday night running offer.

Absolutely anyone is welcome to join us for a walk and a talk, this week - and every week thereafter!

Of course, no one will be left behind, no one will be pressured to walk any quicker or go further than they feel absolutely comfortable and there will be the bonus invitation of a drink and a natter afterwards too.

If you, your family, friends or colleagues would like to join in, no sign up is necessary, simply head down to the Irwell Works Brewery for a 7pm start, and see how friendly & welcoming RRC is.

Starting Tuesday 8th October 2019.